What do you wish to apply for? (Put an X next to your answer.)
What's your SteamID?
Where do you live? Southern California
How old are you?
I am 14 years old, born Feburary 24 1999
What is your current rank? (Put X next to your rank.)
My current rank is Member
For how long have you played TTT? (Put X next to your answer.)
Under 6 months
X 1 year
More than a year
Why do you deserve to be an Operator, Administrator, SuperAdministrator, or Co-Owner
I have played on this server for a while now a thoroughly enjoy it. I would love to help and become better friends with the community.
These questions do not require an answer, but answering them may improve the review of your application.
A great or fun experience you've had on our server?
A night when it was just me and a couple admins messing around and having a good time. (I believe it was with Lindsey but sadly i can't recall the other admin's name.)
Is there anything you consider relevant for the review of your application?
Nothing really, just that I want to expand in this community.
Thankyou for taking your time to read this application, I hope you will consider me for opperator.